Inglefield Nursing Home in Totland Bay has been awarded a national Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Quality Hallmark Award for its delivery of end of life care during the pandemic.
The Award was given as part of the Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Virtual Awards on 5th May, which recognises health and social care providers delivering quality care in the final year of life. The Totland Nursing Home is the first nursing home on the Island to receive this award.
Inglefield Nursing Home is one of 42 care homes, primary care, domiciliary care agency and hospitals which received the prestigious GSF quality hallmark across the country during the virtual ceremony. The Totland nursing home scored an incredible 59/60 points in the Award.
The Gold Standards Framework Centre, provides expert training for frontline staff in health and social care, to enable a ‘gold standard’ of care for people nearing end of life.
Before the pandemic hit, GSF provided face-to-face workshops, but have successfully adapted and moved online to adhere to COVID-19 regulations. The training has been a huge success, and has supported both families and patients to discuss end of life care planning and what matters to them at the end of life.
Gaynor Pitman, the GSF lead at Inglefield Nursing Home said, “We are extremely proud to have achieved our GSF accreditation, particularly as we did so at one of the most difficult times the care industry has ever experienced. This was a real team effort and without the input from everyone involved this achievement would not have been possible. The ethos of GSF which is ‘for individuals to live well until they die’ is, and always will be, our priority, and we look forward to continuation of the provision of high standards of good practice and developing and maintaining good relationships with others striving for the same outcomes for individuals both during and at the end of their lives.”
The accreditation feedback report confirmed Inglefield’s efforts with the statement: ‘Despite the challenges of the pandemic, they have kept their spirits intact, working together to keep providing a high standard of care for residents in a safe and inclusive environment.’
During the accreditation visit a resident was interviewed and informed the assessors that she had developed confidence in planning for her end of life care and stated “I hadn’t intended to discuss this before GSF as I was scared to talk about it but when I got into it I carried on and I agree it is a good thing to discuss. The home is very friendly, the carers are good, it’s just a brilliant home.”
Julie Armstrong-Wilson, Lead Nurse for GSF said: “Congratulations to all 12 organisations that have successfully achieved accreditation and reaccreditation. The last two years have posed some incredible challenges to the health and social care workforce, so we are very proud of all of our successful applicants that took the time to submit their portfolios of evidence. GSF team are so very proud of all our Award Winners, as there has never been a more important time to ensure we deliver quality end of life care, well done to you all!”
To find out more about the Inglefield Nursing Home, which is part of the Buckland Care group please visit